In a groundbreaking development for the Indian financial markets, GTPro has emerged as a game-changer in the trading platform arena. The company has quickly...
Anmol Solanki’s life is a powerful testament to perseverance and grit. His story, marked by tragedy, sacrifice, and ultimate success, serves as an inspiration...
Pooja Enterprises from the city of Chandigarh has emerged as a manufacturing and supplying company of supreme quality uniforms and disposable wear. Initially it...
Asset operation establishment Rockstud Capital on Monday launched a Rs 300 Cr ($36.4 Mn) alternate fund (Rockstud Capital Investment Fund II) to back pre-Series...
The government will decide on criteria for granting access to Indian datasets, and similar datasets will have confined access, said Rajeev Chandrasekhar, Minister of...
The Advertising norms Council of India (ASCI) intends to alter its current “Guidelines for Advertising of Educational Institutions, Programmes and Platforms” document with the...
Gurgaon-grounded digital truck freight services provider Raaho has secured funding worth Rs. 20 crore from several Angel Investors which includes Paytm author Vijay Shekhar...