Dahibara,” the famous street food of Odisha, is now making its mark across India’s culinary landscape. While iconic Indian street foods like Idli-Sambhar, Vada...
The OOJ Foundation, a non-profit spiritual organization dedicated to holistic upliftment through energy channelization, believes the full potential of human possibilities can be attained...
Welcome to the enchanting world of spirituality and ancient wisdom, epitomized by Acharya Rahul Kumar, a revered figure in the realm of Tantra Jyotish....
Entrepreneurs are the intellects behind any nation’s ability to foster new ideas and notions and make people’s lives easier. Often considered a dynamic process...
Etchcraft Emporium, a Delhi-based D2C firm that offers personalized accessories, has been generating revenue of Rs. 9 crore in the fiscal year ending March...
Actor Satish Shah's response to a racist comment he received at United Kingdom's Heathrow Airport is successful viral on social media. Taking to Twitter,...