HBO's new drama series, "The Idol," premiered amidst much anticipation and speculation. Created by Sam Levinson, known for his work on "Euphoria," and featuring...
In the north-eastern state of Manipur, India, the situation remains tense as deadly clashes between tribal and non-tribal groups continue for the third consecutive...
For centuries, the Bappanadu Sri Durgaparameshwari temple in Karnataka, India, stood as a symbol of the country's cohesive religious past. Built by a Muslim...
An 18-year-old gunman went on a shooting rampage in Farmington, New Mexico, resulting in the deaths of three people and injuring six others, including...
In a dramatic and intense overnight assault, Ukraine successfully neutralized a series of missile attacks launched by Russia on the capital city of Kyiv....
Keyphrase: Wagner boss offers troop positions, leaked documents, Russian-Ukrainian conflict
In a startling revelation, leaked documents obtained by The Washington Post indicate that Yevgeny Prigozhin,...