Repos Energy Set to Grow Three-Fold, Raises Rs 300 Crore for Expansion


Repos Energy, the energy distribution startup backed by Ratan Tata, is expected to grow three-fold to Rs 185 crore in the current fiscal year. The company is raising Rs 300 crore to expand its business across India, and to offer carbon-neutral fuels such as ethanol and electric vehicle chargers.

Aditi Bhosale Walunj, the Founder and CVO of Repos Energy, believes that the company has been fortunate to have Ratan Tata as their initial investor. Last fiscal year, their business was Rs 65 crore, and now it is expected to reach Rs 185 crore. Their fuel distribution platform is mainly built around the delivery of diesel, but they are now adding new fuels to the platform to make it available at the doorsteps of end consumers with the help of technology.

Repos has deployed over 2,000 mobile fuel stations across 280 cities in India, and are now in the process of raising Rs 300 crore to further expand their presence and develop technology for the distribution of carbon neutral fuels.

The company has also roped in management expert Ram Charan to join its advisory board, to mentor it towards growth. Charan has been a consultant to various large organisations like Toyota, GE, Bank of America, Honeywell.

The company is also focusing on customer experience, with a team of experts working on developing innovative solutions to make the delivery process of fuel more efficient, and to provide better customer service. To further this, Repos has also introduced a mobile app, allowing customers to track their fuel orders and get real-time updates.

Repos Energy has already made great strides in the energy distribution sector, and is now looking to grow even further. With Ratan Tata as an investor, their plans for expansion and development of technology to provide carbon-neutral fuels, and the presence of Ram Charan on their advisory board, it looks like the company is on the right track towards achieving their goals.