Mesa School of Business has raised Rs 34 crore in funding from Elevation Capital and several notable angel investors, including Kunal Shah of Cred, Vidit Aatrey of Meesho, and Abhiraj Bahl. The funds will be used to create a 12-month, full-time PG program in startup leadership, based in Bengaluru, with a founding cohort of 60 students. The program will focus on hands-on, application-based learning, designed and delivered in partnership with startup leaders and future employers. The program will offer opportunities for leadership roles at top startups and technology companies in India. In addition, students will benefit from individual leadership growth, including over 200 hours of leadership workshops with army veterans, communication and stage presence hackathons with coaches and theatre artists, and 1:1 industry mentorship.
Elevation Capital is a venture capital firm that has invested in over 150 companies across various sectors, including consumer internet, SaaS, fintech, consumer brands, edtech, healthtech, and web3/crypto. The firm recently announced its eighth fund worth $670 million in April 2022 and has offices in Bengaluru, Gurugram, and Salt Lake City.
Venture capital firm Elevation Capital announced its eighth fund worth $670 million in April 2022. The firm has invested in over 150 companies across consumer internet, SaaS, fintech, consumer brands, edtech, healthtech and web3/crypto, and has offices in Bengaluru, Gurugram and Salt Lake City.
Elevation Capital (formerly known as SAIF Partners) is a venture capital firm that invests in early and growth stage companies in India and Southeast Asia. The firm has a diverse portfolio of investments across various sectors, including consumer internet, SaaS, fintech, consumer brands, edtech, healthtech, and web3/crypto. As of April 2022, Elevation Capital has raised its eighth fund worth $670 million and has offices in Bengaluru, Gurugram, and Salt Lake City.