Intern from Tagore Medical College received National President Award for Best Medical Interned


Indian Medical Association’s 97th Annual National Conference – NATCON 22 held in Allahabad Medical Convention Centre, Prayagraj, Uttar Pradesh from 27th to 29th December 2022. Honourable Health Minister and Deputy Chief Minister Thiru Keshav Prasad is invited as guest of honour. Patron of IMA Dr Ketan Desai was chief Guest. 1000s of doctors from different parts of the country participated in the event.

As a part of the event, National President Appreciation award was given to the senior Doctors, Young physicians, Residents and medical interns who are doing wonderful activities in their field. In this, Dr Raghunandan R, Intern from Tagore Medical College who is also the state convenor of Medical Students Wing of Tamilnadu was confered with National President Appreciation Award for Best Medical Intern by the National President Dr Sahjanand Prasad, Incoming National President Dr Sarad Agarwal, Past National President Dr J A Jayalal, National vice president Dr CN Raja, Dr Palaniswamy and Dr Abul Hasan.

It was also a prestigious moment for the Tamilnadu State to recieve the Best Medical Students Network of the Country under the chairmanship of Dr KM Abul Hasan and State Convenor Dr Raghunandan R.

Dr Raghunandan R, is intern from Tagore Medical College and Hospital. He is serving as the National Joint secretary of IMA Medical Students Wing and State President of IMA MSN TN. He is widely recognized for his academic and research contributions towards the fraternity and health awareness generation amongst the general public. He was awarded with 1.25 Lakhs Scholarship at the beginning of the year by Metropolis Labs. Last week, He won the Best Medical Intern in State from the IMA Tamilnadu state Branch. He had won several awards in the past including the Best case presentation award in National students Conclave, Chengalpet Academic Quest, Best Research Paper Award in 77th Annual Medical State Conference adding glory to the institution.

He expressed his sincere thanks go the management of Tagore Medical College and Hospital Chairman Prof Dr M Mala, Secretary Manikandan & Dean Dr Muthukumaran, his mentor Dr Abul Hasan, President Elect IMA TNSB who constantly supports and encourages him in all his initatives. He also expressed his sincere thanks to Dr J A Jayalal, Dr CN Raja, Dr. Senthamil Pari (State President IMA TNSB), Dr. R Palaniswamy (Immediate Past President, IMA TNSB), Dr. NRTR Thiagarajan(State General Secretary, IMA TNSB), Dr. Alagavenkatesh (Treasurer), Dr Arul Rhaj (Former National President), Dr.K.Prakasam (Former State President), Dr T N Ravishankar, Dr Jamuna Rani, Dr Balaji Arumugam, Dr TKV Sharavanan, Dr Manikandan (State Convenor, IMA JDN TN), Dr Venkatesh, Dr Aravindswamy, Dr Prashanth and his team mates Dr CT Krishnan and Dr Joel from Tagore Medical College for their support.

Along with him, Dr Venkatesh Karthikeyan, PG Resident from AIIMS Patna was awarded with National President Appreciation Award for Best Young Doctor.