Green Signature Becomes A Golden Standard for Bio-Sustainability in the Market Now


Sustainable Development provides a global blueprint for dignity, peace and prosperity for people and the planet, now and in the future. They are a call to action to end poverty and inequality, protect the planet, and ensure that all people enjoy health, justice and prosperity. There is no tomorrow without the achievement of the SDGs

Green Signature is a bio-sustainable standard management initiative of Healthpro Eduresearch Work Private Limited, founded as the brainchild of Dr. Krishna Kumar Nair – a wellness and sustainability professional with a wealth of experience in mental health, sustainable development, personal wellness, career development, emotional intelligence, entrepreneurship, psychometrics, research, and education.

He has been a strategic consultant for different organizations in India, Canada, and the Middle East. He created this sustainability-promoting vertical to empower all kinds of businesses starting from the individual micro level to large-scale corporates on various major Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

Green Signature is a bio-sustainable standard management initiative of Healthpro Eduresearch Work Private Limited, founded as the brainchild of Dr. Krishna Kumar Nair – a wellness and sustainability professional with a wealth of experience in mental health, sustainable development, personal wellness, career development, emotional intelligence, entrepreneurship, psychometrics, research, and education.

He has been a strategic consultant for different organizations in India, Canada and the Middle East. He created this sustainability-promoting vertical to empower all kinds of businesses starting from the individual micro level to large-scale corporates on various major Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

We started this journey in 2018 with a basic framework of sustainability promotions and launched a well-structured setup in 2022 focusing on the ESG and SDG facility guidance, validation, auditing and multiple sustainable goals. The future is bright for everyone and everything when there is sustainability management in your activities. Let it be your food habit, health habit or even the business that you do. The world demands that today. 

According to Economic Times, the adoption of a circular economy in India will result in yearly benefits of $624 billion by 2050 and a 44% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions. However, the majority of organizations think about today’s existence, and they forget that there won’t be a tomorrow for them if they do not realize the importance of the 3R principles (Refuse, Reduce and Reuse) and circular economy. This in turn adds a lot of capital investments again in the long run in multiple ways including Infrastructure revisions, removal of unusable products and pollution penalties as well.

Now, in the same way, people need awareness about the importance of equality, energy management, education and health also in the economy. By 2030, most of the SDGs will become essential parts of almost all the business to sustain as per the ESG policies. There are a lot more social changes we can make to make a better world by achieving every sustainable development goal.

We are the first Indian organization working on multiple SDG assessments and training for growth-oriented and profitable bio-sustainability management supports. We are supporting people on 8 different SDGs majorly, which is pretty unique in the market. It includes wellness, bio-life, equality, education, equality, food, energy and climate. A certification from GreenSignature will be a golden standard for every product and service in the future market as they adhere to the standards of UN SDGs proposed for the upcoming years.

Our clients do not see it just as a certification or credentials alone, but also as a process to make long-term productivity and profitability in the market. The B2B customers of our clients, from the EU and Middle East areas, find it more credible to buy these services and products after receiving a Green Signature for them. 

The SDG’s policy check and certification standards from Green Signature are not only helping them with credentials, but also we found that our customers are saving in process expenses, and recurring investments.

Also, following the Green Signature policies is becoming the easy way to become more productive for every organization. An organization that offers equality, wellness, learning opportunities, a healthy work environment, and clean habits will make wonders for their employees. It is as simple as that. This is not just a process but an effort of togetherness too. 

In the future, we are planning to expand more futuristic easy application processes and consultation support to the organizations in more domains on other SDGs. Also, we are bringing up the CSR activities by small organizations into the limelight which are not been noticed by most of us whereas major players are doing it with big budgets.

We are on a mission to bring, 10000+ products and services together under the SDG standards by 2025 from various domains and geographical regions

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