Fyllo Uses IoT And AI To Provide Certainty To The Farm Produce


It is interesting to note how technology is being used to improve agricultural practices in India, with Fyllo being one of the startups that has made significant progress in this area. Its IoT-based system helps farmers understand and measure the precise requirements of plants in real-time, and provides crop-specific models for irrigation, nutrients, diseases, pests, and weather management. Fyllo’s machine learning algorithms analyze the data collected by on-field sensors to give recommendations to farmers through a mobile app. The company has been able to increase the income of farmers by 50% while reducing input costs by 25%, and has seen significant growth in its user base since its inception in 2019. Fyllo has raised over $2 million in funding and plans to expand its presence across India while leveraging its platform’s data for further product diversification. With the agricultural tech market in India expected to grow to $24.1 billion in the next few years, there will be ample opportunities for startups to innovate and contribute to the sector’s growth. The statement refers to Fyllo’s plans to leverage the data on its platform, including weather data collected through its IoT devices, to build cross-industry solutions and further expand its offerings in the agricultural technology space. With the largest network of weather monitoring systems in the country, Fyllo aims to use this data along with other data sources to build solutions that can benefit the agriculture industry. These solutions could potentially include a farm-specific crop insurance service and a platform for agri-input companies to visualize country-wide progression of disease/pests and climatic events, as mentioned earlier in the article.