In a groundbreaking development for the Indian financial markets, GTPro has emerged as a game-changer in the trading platform arena. The company has quickly...
Anmol Solanki’s life is a powerful testament to perseverance and grit. His story, marked by tragedy, sacrifice, and ultimate success, serves as an inspiration...
Pooja Enterprises from the city of Chandigarh has emerged as a manufacturing and supplying company of supreme quality uniforms and disposable wear. Initially it...
The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has assessed ₹3.06 crore financial penalty on Amazon Pay (India) Private Ltd for non-compliance with certain vittles of...
“Our digital payments ecosystem has been developed as a free public good. This has radically transformed governance, financial inclusion, and ease of living in...
Software as-a-Service (SaaS) platform Mintoak, which specialises in trafficker services, has secured$ 20 million, including participation from PayPal gambles, British International Investment, and current...
InfoEdge has written off its entire investment in 4B Networks, a proptech incipiency led by Rahul Yadav, who formerly co-founded real estate hunt gate...
In what could give a significant leg up to the public Payments Corporation of India’s (NPCI) UPI (Unified Payments Interface) Lite immolation, two leading...
Startup India Innovation Week, organized by the Commerce and Industry Ministry's Department for Promotion of Manufacturing and Internal Trade (DPIIT), begins on January 10,...