US Envoy Accuses South Africa of Supplying Weapons to Russia amid Neutrality Claims


In a surprising development, the US envoy to South Africa, Ambassador Reuben Brigety, has accused the country of supplying weapons to Russia despite its professed neutrality in the ongoing war in Ukraine. Brigety expressed confidence that a Russian ship loaded with ammunition and weapons docked in Cape Town last December before making its way back to Russia. These allegations have caught South Africa’s officials off guard, and President Cyril Ramaphosa has stated that his government is looking into the claims.

The US has been critical of South Africa’s close relationship with Russia for several months, expressing concerns about the country’s participation in military exercises with Russia and China during the anniversary of the invasion of Ukraine. South Africa has maintained claims of neutrality in the conflict, abstaining from a UN vote condemning the invasion and refusing to impose sanctions on Russia along with the US and Europe.

The accusation made by the US ambassador not only weakens South Africa’s claim of neutrality but also raises the possibility of the country being complicit in Russia’s aggression in Ukraine. If South African bullets are found on Ukrainian bodies, it would significantly damage the country’s international reputation. The details surrounding the alleged arms cache remain unclear, including whether the weapons were acquired from a state-owned arms company or a South African-based weapons company.

These claims pose a significant challenge to South Africa’s international ties, particularly with the US, one of its largest trade allies. The country’s perceived alignment with Russia could create the impression of being a “soft ally” to Russia at a time when some Western countries view Russia as an aggressor guilty of human rights violations.

South Africa’s ties with Russia stem from their membership in the Brics alliance, a group representing emerging economies such as China, Brazil, and India. Additionally, the ruling African National Congress (ANC) has longstanding connections with Russia. South Africa faced a diplomatic dilemma earlier when the International Criminal Court (ICC) issued an arrest warrant against Russian President Vladimir Putin for alleged war crimes in Ukraine. President Ramaphosa initially announced South Africa’s withdrawal from the ICC but later backtracked, citing a communications “error.”

South Africa’s authorities have expressed their dissatisfaction with the US envoy’s accusations, stating that the matter should have been handled through proper diplomatic channels. Many in South Africa expect the US to provide evidence to support its claim rather than relying solely on intelligence. The history of claims made by the US about weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, which led to the invasion of the country, contributes to the skepticism surrounding such allegations.

The outcome of the investigation into these accusations will have far-reaching implications for South Africa’s international standing and its relationships with the US and other Western countries. The country’s neutrality claims and its commitment to international norms and human rights will be closely scrutinized, making it crucial for South Africa to address these allegations transparently and effectively.