In the annals of history, a lesser-known yet significant event highlights the deep-rooted connections between Mahatma Gandhi and the inauguration of the Silver Jubilee...
The ongoing session of India's Parliament has been marked by the fiery debates surrounding the no-confidence motion, setting the stage for intense discussions and...
In a significant turn of events, India's Parliament has reinstated Rahul Gandhi, a prominent opposition leader, as a lawmaker. This decision comes just three...
In a significant move towards promoting gender equality and women's rights, the Assam government is set to introduce a groundbreaking bill to combat polygamy...
The Indian political landscape is witnessing a familiar fight between the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and the opposition, with Rahul Gandhi, the leader...
The Uttar Pradesh cabinet has taken significant strides in promoting education and tourism within the state. Approving the establishment of the Education Service Selection...
The political landscape in India has witnessed significant changes since the last general elections. With a new government in power, it is essential to...