Let’s meet Famous Social Media Lifestyle Influencer *Mr Kamlesh Salvi


Kamlesh Salvi is a Digital Lifestyle Content Creator. He had launched himself into social media as an influencer. In his words, “being an influencer is what felt like interesting and brought out the best in me”. Eventually, he started working on himself and making a career out of his talents.

 Kamlesh Salvi is a household name for some world-class brands like Amazon, Royal Stag, Titan, BenQ, MX Takatak, Park Avenue, RealMe, Nokia, Oppo, Samsung, and MI, which have collaborated to build strong followers and potential customers. He had also contributed his share to influence people with other brands like Iqoo, Tecno, Firebolt, Dorco, B612, Epik, Car24, and Myntra.

What particular skill sets do you think you bring to the table?

In recent years, I’ve grown a lot as a video content creator, and I truly believe in skill of quality content with honesty and have taught a few dozen upcoming influencers to start their careers.

How did you join your current organisation?

It is a long story to share. But in short, all my struggles and hard work made me what I am today. And the current organisation is a great opportunity that was bestowed upon me.

Icons in this field whom you look up to and how they have influenced you and your work?

I cannot say there is one person who motivates me. I seek inspiration from several success and failure stories. Because every person has their own story to tell and inspire.

What are the five most productive things that you do in your everyday routine?

I love to read biographies and autobiographies. It had a great influence on my mind. I start with running every day for an hour, then work out or do yoga. It keeps me fit and active during the workday. Other things include watching videos for inspiration and planning my schedules and shoots. For everything that goes on in my day, I plan it a day ahead so that nothing comes out as a surprise.

Do you think a career in this field is a viable one in the long term?

I can’t certainly say a yes to that question. But for current trends, social media plays a big role in changing people’s lives. A decade ago, we weren’t much influenced by social media as it had just erupted. But no one had expected it would be a big bang. Maybe in the future, it would be something else. We have to evolve to survive. We all know that learning is a never-ending process.

What does it take to succeed in a career?

In any career, if you’re willing to collaborate on what you dream, you can eventually succeed. Hard work and consistency will pay you in unexpected ways. Success is never a one-night job. It should have a foundation with discipline and be built with patience. In this career, I am successful because I worked hard to understand the perks of this job. With some support and motivation, I am here now.

What would be your advice to youngsters planning to enter this industry?

To anyone who wants to be a successful influencer, I can say only one thing. If you can give value to the people who follow you, then and only then you can step ahead. If there is nothing you change in their lives, why would someone invest their time in you? So, add value to others, and you can find your path towards success.

Where do you see yourself in five years?

I am planning to start my YouTube channel and I want to get into the hospitality business. Things are falling together, and it wouldn’t be too far before my YouTube channel will be launched. I believe it will be a big step in my career.

Is there any organisation that you would like to work with in the future?

I have my dreams that I work for achieving one day. In today’s market, big companies tie up with influencers like us to promote themselves. It would be beneficial for both of us. So, I can say that I have a few companies on the list, some of which I am already working with. I love to work with a wide range of companies.

 Social Media Profile :-

Instagram – https://instagram.com/kamlesh.rockman

Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/kamlesh.Rockman

Youtube – https://www.youtube.com/@KamleshRockman