Sangeetha Santhosh Balaji’s journey from a small-town girl in Vellore, Tamil Nadu, to becoming a leading career coach and successful entrepreneur is a story...
Chhattisgarh’s renowned spiritual center, Trikaldarshi Chamatkari Maa Matangi Divya Dham, achieved a moment of international pride as its Peethadheeshwar, Shri Shri Premasai Maharaj Ji,...
Hyderabad, Telangana – The International Human Rights Organization (IHRO) is pleased to announce the appointment of Mr. Mohd Afzal, a resident of Nalgonda, as...
In today's fast-paced business environment, it's not uncommon to encounter copycats who imitate your ideas or products. While the legality of copying can be...
In the face of rising online advertising costs and increasing challenges with data privacy and measurement, some startup advertisers are revisiting traditional advertising channels...
ASCENT Foundation, a non-profit organization founded by Harsh Mariwala, Chairman of Marco Limited, aims to expand its network of members across India. The organization...
Visa, the global payment technology company, has launched a new payment feature that eliminates the need for customers to enter their CVV (card verification...
BluSmart Mobility, an EV ride-hailing service and EV charging superhub infrastructure operator, has raised $42 million in a Series A2 round. The latest round...